Which mobile phone company was most blogged during CES 2006?
Want to see the impact CES 2006 has on gadget buzz? Check out this graph from BlogPulse, which reveals how the number of posts about specific keywords change over time. The one pictured here shows how posts with the terms ‘mobile phones’ and ‘cell phones’ increase hugely over the CES 2006 period (January 5th – 8th 2006). Using the same tool, we can see which mobile phone company was the most blogged over the CES 2006 period.
[Source: BlogPulse]
Read on to find out which mobile phone manufacturer generated the most buzz during CES 2006.
Motorola vs Samsung vs Nokia
This graph shows the level of buzz between Motorola, Samsung and Nokia. All three spiked over the CES 2006 period, but Motorola just edged it, with Nokia coming a close second (despite not actually announcing anything interesting!), and Samsung coming third, despite announcing 25 new mobile phones.
Samsung vs LG vs Sony Ericsson

Comparing Samsung with LG and Sony Ericsson, we can see that the two Korean mobile phone manufacturers generated a similar amount of buzz to each other, whilst Sony Ericsson trailed a distant third.
Comparing all five of the major manufacturers, we get the following ranking, with percentage of blog posts relating to each manufacturer in brackets:
- Motorola (0.086%)
- Nokia (0.072%)
- Samsung (0.045%)
- LG (0.043%)
- Sony Ericsson (0.023%)
Clearly this isn’t a scientific study, and other keyword comparisons could perhaps reveal different rankings. But using the brand names alone as a keyword without the phrase ‘cell phone’ reveals the same ranking, so it is reasonably reliable. So, Motorola was the most talked about, Nokia was a close second, despite not having anything to talk about (maybe that’s why there was so many people talking about them: “where were Nokia?”), LG and Samsung a virtual dead heat, and Sony Ericsson barely mentioned.
I really feel Samsung deserved more buzz than that!