Posted by Mike Evans in Android Apps on December 7, 2009

Google have launched Google Goggles on an unsuspecting world! Google Goggles is an amazing new Android app that uses visual search to query the giant search engine. You can literally point your Android phone’s camera at any object, and Google Goggles will attempt to recognize it and search Google for related info about it.

Other apps already do this to a degree – ShopSavvy, for example, will let you take a snap of a barcode, and will then fetch related info about the barcode’s product. But Google Goggles goes much, much further.

Not only barcodes – you can snap the books themselves, logos, objects such as buildings, even text, and Google Goggles will fetch information that’s genuinely realted (well, mostly – sometimes it doesn’t work!)

Check out the video after the jump.

It’s still in beta now (naturally!), but as you can see from this video of Google Goggles, when it works, it’s brilliant!

In the video, I use Google Goggles to scan the headline in last week’s Sunday Times newspaper, and automatically fetch the online version – which it does with a minimum of fuss! Rupert Murdoch must be spitting feathers!

Google Goggles is available now, for free – just going into the Android app market and searhc for “Google Goggles”.
