
0 6212

NFC is contactless technology that's set to turn your mobile phone into a mobile wallet. Already the Google Nexus S has an NFC reader...
0 5628

Dual-core and quad-core super-GHz processors are all well in good in your mobile, but what can you actually do with them? Sony has an...
0 4347

Want to know what's better than the 1GHz quad-core Tegra3 chip I wrote about a few days ago? A 1.5GHz quad-core Tegra3...
0 4695

One trend that's set to increase this year is communication between your smartphone and other gadgets. The Vizio phone is perhaps leading the field...
0 3609

Legendary graphics card manufacturer NVIDIA are at last on a roll with their super-powerful Tegra2 chipset. First to use the new dual-core processor is...
0 3958

Remember the start of 2010 when everyone got all excited with the Nexus One and the HTC Desire? So powerful were those phones, with...
0 3281

Not content with producing the best screen display on the market in the form of its Super AMOLED display, Samsung has gone one better...
0 3652

Forgive the continued teccie-ness, but straight after posting about the new dual-core Snapdragon chip promised for the end of...
0 6649

After reading our HTC Hero review earlier, you might be under the impression...
0 5202

Philips' spin off Polymer Vision has been showing off its READIUS screen for over two...