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Nexus 5 trio
0 17189

Finally after an almost endless array of leaks and an unbearable amount of waiting, Google has launched the Nexus 5! Cue fan fares, huge...
0 21021

The blogosphere's going crazy today, predicting that this is the day that Google finally launches the Nexus 5. We've had reports that 17 Google...
0 16991

When Motorola announced its Project Ara modular phone system this week, various commentators immediately began to think of reasons why it could never work....
0 15917

I’ve never been short on opinions, as you might have guessed, and for years I hated everything Apple stood for. I hated the closed...
Nokia Lumia RAW
0 26065

You already knew Nokia was pretty serious about the cameras on its smartphones, right? The Lumia 1020 is currently the best camera smartphone on...
Vivo Xplay 3S cameraphone

Remember the camera phones of the mid 2000s? You know, the ones with folding, morphing, twisting shapes that looked like nothing you’d ever seen...